Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Having a Fun Day

Mommy put in my brand new hair bow today, it works perfectly even with my "baby" fine hair

Cara is so excited to realize cousin Oscar came over to play
Oscar preferred to keep his distance today, he enjoyed Cara's toys, as long as she wasn't too close. He was a little overwhelmed by her enthusiasm and squealing.

We had unexpected visitors today with a visit from Oscar and Grandpa F. Grandpa F had the day off watching Cara today, so he jumped at the opportunity to babysit Oscar today. Oscar was not too sure what to make of crazy Cara. She was SUPER excited to have company, and it overwhelmed Oscar. He did enjoy getting to play with her toys though.
Cara was even more surprised when she woke up from her afternoon nap to find Grandma and Grandpa A had arrived for a visit. What a fun day!


Anonymous said...

I love the super cute hairbow in crazy Cara's hair!!! What a fun fun time :)

Cynthia Rae said...

Nice to see a bow in Cara's hair again. Made me think of "blue toothpaste bow"! hehehheehe!


Anonymous said...

Cara is one adorable, fun baby.I look forward to seeing all the photos you print for us.
Great Grandma A.