Friday, April 25, 2008

New Hair Do

With some inspiration and advice from my friend Kitty, I finally figured out what to with Cara's hair to keep her bangs out of her eyes
Am I a bad Mommy if I have to bribe her with candy every time I want to do her hair?

Daddy wasn't quite so sure about this look, but Mommy thinks it is so cute

And wasn't it nice not having to push her bangs out of her eyes even once while we played outside in the wind
Picking a flower off the magnolia tree

Visiting our puppy friend. He lives down the street and Cara asks to go visit him every day. We don't know his name so we just call him Buddy. Maybe someday his parents will be outside and we can ask his real name.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My First....

Scraped Knee!!

Ooowiiieeee! See my boo boo!
I fell down on the driveway yesterday, boo hoo! I insisted on wearing this skirt when I picked out my clothes for the day! Bad idea when I decided to run up the driveway and my sandal edge got caught making me fall down! Nurse Mommy fixed me right up!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Lawn Mower

Pushing her new bubble lawn mower to try it out
Helping Mommy to mow the yard

She pushed this mower almost the entire time I mowed the front yard

Whew, this is hard work, I need some water!!

The trees are in full bloom for the Spring, how pretty!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Week in Review

Cara holding Ali's hand to guide her into the store
Kitty showing Ali and Cara a book

Hmm....what did I find here??

Someone has found the Candy bowl on the counter....

And she thought she needed to clean out the drawer or kitchen gadgets

On Tuesday we met Kitty and Ali at the mall for story time at Pottery Barn kids. I think Cara enjoyed seeing all the kids more than the books that were read. We met in the hallway outside the store and waited for the store to open. Once it did I told Cara to hold my hand and Ali was holding Kitty's hand to walk in. Well, Ali was being a bit slow walking in, so Cara kept grabbing Ali's hand to move her along. It was so cute.
Then on Wednesday I was doing some house cleaning. Cara was busy playing on her easel in the kitchen. I got all the toys picked up and started vacuuming the main floor of the house. After I did the last room I walked into the kitchen to find Cara standing on her chair, opening multiple pieces of candy from the bowl. We had old hershey kisses, candy from Valentine's day, Easter treats, and other misc. items in there. She opened at least a dozen pieces, most of which had just a small bite missing. She was enjoying sampling her goodies and was quite mad when I made her get down. Those chairs were so cute and great until she learned how to scoot them everywhere to get whatever she wanted.
We have also been thoroughly enjoying the warm weather. Bubbles everyday! Lots of walks and also spent time helping Mommy clean up the flower beds getting them ready for spring flowers!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What to do on a cold gray Sunday????

Hi Mommy, this is the best smile I can come up with since I can't go outside to play
Busy playing with Mickey Mouse, he needs his diaper changed

Hold still Mickey, this is hard to figure out

Still no smiles for Mommy... too busy eating my snack of pretzels

Congratulations to Daddy's high school concert band for their GOLD rating at contest yesterday

Last week when it was warmer out, we played with some brand new bubbles, super duper huge bubbles, here is Cara waving bye-bye to the bubbles as the wind makes them travel away

Whew, we have had a few very busy days. On Thursday we met Grandpa A half way for brunch, so Grandma A could go back home. Cara really enjoyed her visit and we are so appreciative she could babysit for us. Then Thursday afternoon we picked up Grandma and Grandpa F from the airport, they had spent the previous week in Florida. Thursday evening was the Spring concert the Daddy's school. What a LONG day for Cara and Mommy!
Scott has been VERY busy this past week. He went almost a whole week without seeing Cara awake. It has been very hard on him and Cara. On Saturday he took his concert band to contest and earned a GOLD rating, yeah! He has been performing in the pit band for a friends high school musical. Lucky for all of us that their last performance was today, yeah! But pretty soon frequent rehearsals will start for his own school musical which is in the beginning of May.
But the most exciting news of today is that I read that our VACATION is only 50 days away! yeah!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Look at the Pretties

What a fun girls day we had on Wednesday! Grandma A has been at our house babysitting Cara all week, so a day of fun was in order. We started the day with brunch at Cracker Barrel, yummy, followed by shopping at Target! Then Mommy had a surprise for Grandma and Cara, how about everyone getting a pedicure! Mommy and Grandma thoroughly enjoyed the pampering to our feet. Cara was sitting on Grandma's lap and was not quite sure about all the soaking, scraping, and scrubbing. But once the nail polish came out, she quickly let us know that she had to get her shoes off ASAP. So Cara got her nails painted too. She was so proud of her "pretties" as she called them. We didn't put her shoes back on for the ride home. After her nap that day she wanted to go outside to play but was very worried about covering up her "pretties" with socks and shoes. She was relieved that once we again took them off that her pretties still looked great!

A trip to Kohl's followed by a yummy Mexican dinner ended a great girls day! Cara was wiped out with her fun day! She was so happy to see her adorable toes were still pink this morning!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bubbles and More

Cara pushing Mickey in her swing on the porch
Cara wearing her crown (which is the top of a towel, which she wore like a robe and was so proud of)

Wow, big bubbles Grandpa!

My turn!

Running after the bubbles
So tired after all the bubble chasing

Daddy and Grandpa using the bubble wands as light sabers

Cara's most fun activity these days is playing with bubbles outside! We have been trying out lots of brands, shapes, and sizes of bubble makers! Grandma and Grandpa A got to join in the fun last weekend. We are LOVING the warmer, and not rainy, weather that we have been blessed with lately.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Too Funny!!

Let me just preface these pictures with the story of how we got this way..... First of all it was late morning on Friday and Cara had a minor blowout. I changed her out of her pajamas and she ended up wearing just a diaper. I needed to do laundry anyway, so I thought I better get the pajamas washed. I went about and gathered other laundry and Cara was loving walking around in her diaper. After a few interrupted moments I finally got around to putting the laundry in the washer. When I came out of the laundry room this is what I found, a naked Cara. She had taken her diaper off, put on my brand new Crocs, and put a pair of Daddy's shorts from the laundry basket over her head. Definitely a picture worthly moment.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Play date with Ali

hey, let's color together
Hmm..are you taking pictures?

Snack time
It is quite hard to get a picture with both girls facing the camera at the same time. So you will have to settle for these pictures! We enjoyed a playdate today with Ali and her mommy Kitty. There is amost 5 months between the girls. Cara enjoyed showing Ali her toys, most of which were new to Ali. They really enjoyed coloring on the easel together. Both girls were pretty much non stop action, so sitting for a picture was pretty much out of the question. We are looking forward to lots more playdates in the future, and as the girls grow I am sure it will be even more fun. Thanks for a fun visit Kitty and Ali!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Random Pictures

Cara opened a drawer, pulled out a screwdriver and went to "work" on her chair

We are laughing about it, so she looks up and smiles

say "cheese"

Playtime with my Daddy, he is letting me play on the keyboard and computer

While out shopping, she was quite entertained by this mirror at the department store

iving the baby kisses

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa's House for Spring Break



Being coy!

Being lovey!

Hanging out with G & G

Look at the blond curly hair we are getting in the back, it is not growing very fast but becoming quite curly

Yes, Mommy and Daddy did take a pictures of themselves to prove we were there too! No, it is not a halo over my head, just the kitchen light glowing

Last week we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa A's house for some spring break fun. Daddy was off work so an ovedue trip to their house was in order. We got to eat at all our favorite restuarants! We took Cara to Grandpa's office on Friday for a visit, to see where he works! We hung out with our dear friends Chris, Amy, and Owen. What a fun and busy couple of days. Daddy's spring break went by so fast, but only 8 more weeks of school! Yeah!
Thanks for a great vist Grandma and Grandpa!