Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Baby

Mommy was trying to take a picture of my newest tooth, but I just wanted to smile
Can't you hear me laughing in this picture!

I want to crawl forward so bad, but I keep just going backward!

Cara was being quite the ham last night after her bath, so I had to grab the camera and capture a couple of shots. The past couple of nights have been pretty rough on all of us due to teething. Her 3rd tooth has popped through the gums, and three more at top could pop through any day. She is normally a great sleeper, of course last week when Mommy was home 4 nights in a row she slept great every night, this week when Mommy has a rough work schedule, she has been up a lot for Daddy. Other than the rough sleep (or lack of) you wouldn't even know she was teething because she is such a happy camper during the day.
Hope these pictures make you smile!


G and G A said...

Wonderful pictures!! Thanks for making me laugh and having these photos to enjoy. Can hardly wait until we see her. Maybe when we see her the other teeth will be through. Cara will hopefully call Da Da and we can hear that too.
Love Grandma A

Cynthia Rae said...

Does Cara ALWAYS have a smile on her face? I swear, I can hear her laughing in the pictures!

Seeing her smile always put a smile on my face.

Aunt Cyndi