Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mommy and Cara

Had to share this picture of Cara and I since I posted one of Cara and her daddy. I don't even know how to put my thoughts into words regarding our precious miracle, but I thought this card that her daddy gave to me the day Cara was born summed it up the best.

The front says: A New Little Love

The inside says: Now we know without a doubt, we would have waited forever for someone this special

That is exactly how I feel......only I am glad I did not have to wait any longer!!

1 comment:

Cynthia Rae said...

It was WONDERFUL to see my little "nipotina" live on the web cam tonight. I had to hold back the tears (which I didn't do well). It will be harder than ever to live so far from all of you.

Love the picture! Keep them coming!