Tuesday, October 02, 2012

St Louis part 3

Didn't realize I had another days worth of pictures to add! We went back to American Girl on Sunday because they were having free crafts in honor of Caroline Abbott so Cara wanted to go again (of course!)
Here they could make a hat like Caroline's

So pretty!
And her was a craft to make an embroidered greeting card!
They also had a scavenger hunt where you had to go around the store and find clues and get a prize if you could answer every question (the prize was a poster of all the historical dolls)
Then we stopped at St. Louis bread company (known in our parts as Panera) to have a yummy lunch before making the long drive back!  And it was a LONG drive!  We got into stopped traffic on I-70 and the trip took almost 6 hours when it should have taken 4 :(    Rough when you have a 6 year old and 4 month old traveling with you!!

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