Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Happy Befana Day!

Cara being silly at dinner at the Cheesecake Factory the other night
Cara taking a self portrait, I think she did a good job
Cara received a special package from Aunt Cyndi the other day
Courtesy of

It is a book explaining the Italian tradition of Befana, the Christmas witch who fills stockings with candy on January 6th

Thanks Aunt Cyndi and Uncle Danilo for sharing your traditions with us!


G and G A said...

Cara looks pleased to received a gift from Aunt Cyndi & Uncle Danilo. Hope Befena was nice and left things in her stocking for her.

Cynthia Rae said...

Happy Befana Day (a little late). Glad to hear that Cara enjoyed her book. Looking forward to reading it to her when I am back in the States!

Much love,
Aunt Cyndi