Monday, May 11, 2009

Yeah For Daddy

For the past month Daddy has worked really long days with rehearsing for the school musical. It has been hard (especially for Cara) with not seeing Daddy at all during the week. Some weeks we would spend Sunday together and not see each other again until Friday because of our work schedules. But it has finally come to an end with this past weekends performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Everyone did a wonderful job and the show was so entertaining.

Grandma and Grandpa F joined us for the Friday night show

Daddy in the orchestra pit

Cara was so fascinated to talk to Daddy and look down at all the instruments in the pit. As soon
as intermission started Cara took off for the pit to tell Daddy "good job".

Daddy and Cara after the show

We went back for the Saturday show with Grandma and Grandpa A
When Grandma arrived on Saturday she brought Cara this new dress. Mommy absolutely loved it! We had the most perfect hairbow to match the bows on the dress! So cute!!

Cara and Mommy waiting for the show to start

Again fascinated with the pit and what was going on down there

Most of the cast on the stage at the end of the show!
Great job students and directors on a wonderful show. All your hours of rehearsing paid off!!

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