Monday, March 30, 2009

Disney Day 8, Animal Kingdom

Our last day was spent at Animal Kingdom!

Daddy and Cara looking at monkeys

Jiminy Crickett posing with the family

This is in the building at Rafiki's planet watch, the conservation station. We knew this was where Pocahontas could be found. Cara walked over to the tree where she was last year and said "where is she", this was without prompting. Crazy that she remembered from a year ago. Pocahontas wasn't there yet and we were told that maybe at noon she would arrive.

So we went outside to pet the goats while we were waiting

And shortly after we came back in she arrived! Cara was so excited. She told Pocahontas that we were waiting for her.

Nap time took precedent over lunch time for Cara, she dozed away while we enjoyed lunch! Don't worry, we fed her later :)

One of Cara's favorite activities of the trip: SHOPPING! She wanted to go in EVERY shop, which if you have ever been to Disney that is A LOT! Especially when most rides put you out right in the shop, perfect for Cara, not to great for our wallets!

Later in the evening we boarded a plane to come home. Cara did not want to leave, she was having a great trip!
Over the last couple of days every time we would get off a ride Cara would say "I hope I get to do this again someday". We don't know where she got this from, but it was so cute!!

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