Monday, March 09, 2009

Chicago Girls Trip

Last week we headed for Chicago on a girls overnight trip. We brought along Grandma F, Grandma A, and Aunt Cyndi! Our first stop: American Girl Store!

here are Cara and Baby Cara waiting to go in the store
And we had lunch reservations at their cafe

Here she is feeding Baby Cara

On our walk from the hotel to the main shopping areas on Michigan we passed this large American Gothic statue

For dinner that night we found ourselves at Gino's, a fabulous chicago style pizza place

Here are Cara and I at the restaurant

Cara and Baby Cara dressed in their matching pj's and ready for bed after our long day

Day 2, back at American Girl. We found out when we were there on Thursday that they had a special event for Bitty babies/twins on Friday so we had to go back. Cara made this crown with a little help from Mommy

Cara had to be front and center for story time

Baby Cara in the salon chair, ready for a a wipe down and new hairdo

Fresh pigtails with new ribbons and Baby Cara was pretty as could be
We had a great time on our little getaway trip, although there is never enough time to do everything. Spending both afternoons in American Girl took a lot of time, but the smiles on Cara's face were definitely worth it. We hit several other shops on the Magnificent Mile and Mommy came home with new shoes, and Cara a new Cinderella dress from the Disney store just in time to wear to the castle next week!
Thanks to both Grandmas and Aunt Cyndi for making it a special trip!

1 comment:

G and G A said...

I had a wonderful time with all in Chicago. We must do it again. Things are so much more interesting and fun when you are sharing them with a sweet grand daughter.
I will post when I get my camera back, it is still on vacation. Not in Chicago but in Indy.
Grandma A