Monday, September 22, 2008

Visit from Great Grandma

Great Grandma and Cara coloring at her easel
Pictures Time

Mommy is funny, that is what Cara is laughing at

Time at our church fair this weekend, here everyone is enjoying dinner. Great Grandma E, Grandma and Grandpa F, Dillon, Oscar, Great Grandma A, and the three of us

Time to hit the rides, here we are on the carousel, Scott is holding Oscar but you can't see him in this picture

Both kiddos enjoying sitting on the horses

Meeting up with Grandma A so she can take Great Grandma A to her house for the rest of the week

Grandma A brought Cara a surprise, a cute little painted pumpkin

Always time for some cuddles on the porch at Cracker Barrel before heading off in separate directions

Cara sadly saying goodbye to Great Grandma A
We had a special visit this weekend from Great Grandma A. She lives in Florida and hasn't seen Cara in about 2 years, so Cara has changed quite a bit :) Cara took right to her ,which sometimes believe it or not Cara can be quite shy, so we were pleased when she was instantly taking Great Grandma's hand to play. They colored together and enjoyed each other's company over the weekend. Our fun this weekend included our church fair, eating at the Irish Claddagh, making a homemade apple pie and ice cream, and a bit of shopping. Today we met half way so Great Grandma could continue on with her travels and spend time with the rest of the family in northern IN and then Ohio. We hope to visit Great Grandma on our next trip to Florida, but until then we took tons of pictures so Cara can remember her visit!

1 comment:

G and G A said...

Was nice seeing you two on the road the other day. We are having a nice visit with Cara's Grand grandma. We are a little more quieter here than all of the fun play you did at your house.
See you all soon.
Grandma & Grandpa A