Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Our baby girl just keeps growing up! We started cereal for the first time on New Year's Day! Our doctor said at Cara's 4 month checkup that there was no hurry to start solid foods since she was gaining well and thriving on breastmilk, but that once she was showing an interest in eating she would be ready to start on cereal. So in the past week or two, Cara has been really watching what we eat, and if she is on my lap when I am eating, she practically grabs the fork out of my hand to put in her mouth. So below is the video of Cara's first experience at eating! Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

How cute was this!!!!!!
Felt like we were right there with Cara as she ejoyed her first bite of food! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Don't know how many times I have watched the video of Cara eating her cerial!!!! Too cute. I enjoy being able to hear her laugh and Cara talk. Helps me get a little Cara fix each day I watch it.More more more. Thanks