Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Aunt Cyndi's here!

Under the ruse that we needed a babysitter on Tuesday, we got Grandma and Grandpa A in town for a visit. The real reason they needed to be here was because Cyndi was surprising them by coming home 9 days earlier than they expected her. After a long day of flying back to the states, a cancelled flight in Chicago (thank goodness she got on another flight), Cyndi arrived safe and sound (without luggage) in Indy!

It was a great reunion! It has been a year since Cyndi has been here. We decided several months ago that it would be fun to surprise the parents with an earlier arrival than they planned. It worked great! We feel bad that we told them so many lies, but the look on their faces was priceless. I was able to capture Steph's face when she first realized it was Cyndi standing in front of her.

The first picture is Scott and Cyndi standing in the garage waiting for the surprise entrance. I went in first to tell them I was home, then said that I forgot something in the car! Little did they know that what I forgot was their daughter.

So finally, at last Cyndi got to meet her niece in person! Cara was unfazed by the day's events but it will be a great story to share with her when she is older!

p.s. Sorry I didn't get a post up after Cara's doctor appointment on Monday. She is 23 inches long (75 %), and 11 lbs 13 0z (50%). She got three shots, I wanted to get a picture of her legs with the bandaids but they fell off before I could (not her legs, the bandaids)!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise for us to have Cyndi home earlier than we thought!!!!!!! Boy did you guys really pull one over on us. I didn't know that we lived among ones that could be so sneaky. Thanks again for your help in getting Cyndi home!!!! Plus Grandma & Grandpa got to baby sit our precious baby granddaughter!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank God her legs didn't fall off :)
You are to funny!

Cynthia Rae said...

Tah dah! I have only been ft wayne for two days and I am having Cara withdrawl! HELP! Can not wait to get back to see that sweet baby! Hold a lot today because when I get there I am going to HOG THE BABY!

Devi aspettare un po Cara. Zia Cinza arrivo presto!