Monday, March 24, 2014

Disney Magic Kingdom 3/23/2014

We headed back to the Magic Kingdom for more fun!  We met Mickey Mouse and Will was super excited but a little shy!

Don't mind the cranes all over the castle in the background, they were doing construction this day

One of Cara's favorite activities is being pampered at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!

Turning her into a royal princess

Will got a great view of the parade

Riding the carousel with the princess
We had dinner reservations at Cinderella's Royal table at the castle

Will "if I keep drinking she will stop talking to me and go away"

Riding the tea cups
And driving a car at the speedway

A super fun and long day but we had a blast!  Will was such a trooper and went with the flow and Cara was patient and had fun playing with him in lines!

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