Monday, November 05, 2012

5 Months Old Today!

You love your feet!

I blinked and somehow Will became 5 months old already!

A memo to my William at 5 months:
You have 2 teeth (got the first one last week and your second one on your 5 month birthday)
You can roll from belly to back and back to belly, although you don't like to really do either but you will if you get tired of tummy time!
You are starting to enjoy your jumparoo, you love Sophie the Giraffe, and Pluto!
You still sleep in the newborn rock and play sleeper in Mommy and Daddy's room and it works so well for all of us we hate to change it.  You sleep all night long some nights and wake to eat some nights.
You are great at breastfeeding but happily take a bottle when Mommy is working or sleeping.  You usually eat about 4-5 ounces when it is in a bottle.
You are starting to outgrow your 3-6 months clothes because they are too short for you but some things still work.  You wear a size 2 diaper still!

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