Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer's End Festival 2012

Scott's most favorite day of the year is here...Rossville Bands one and only parade!  As usual he looses kids to sports (why are they even scheduled on Rossville's one and only town festival day is beyond me) so his band was 40% smaller than it is supposed to be!
Wearing Mommy's shades since we ended up in a bright and sunny spot waiting for the parade to start!
Grandma and Grandpa Abbott and Aunt Cyndi came with us for the festivities!
Go band!
Abbott for coroner water bottles!   There is a lot of politics at this parade!
Lots of tractors too!
Wearing Daddy's band shirt to support, but she didn't want to walk in the parade with him because 90% of the parade throws out candy which was much more important!
This is how Will enjoyed the parade!
But he was wearing his Abbott Jr shirt for Daddy!
Daddy and his cute kids!

Our family after the parade!

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