Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Disney Day 6

Sunday we headed back to the Magic Kingdom for rides and fun with Daddy. Daddy would be leaving us the evening to be able to teach on Monday. Because Cara and Scott's spring breaks were different we tried to split the difference so she didn't miss as much school and he got to be there for most of the trip.

I think I took fewer pictures this trip than ever because I was busy driving my scooter, which was challenging due to the heavy crowds. 
Cara and Mommy on the Dumbo ride
Enjoying a frozen lemonade while in line to see Rapunzel
Once inside waiting for Rapunzel Cara colored a picture
Cara and rapunzel's lizard (can't remember his name right now)
Cara had packed her Rapunzel dress but didn't wear it that day and was so sad she wasn't wearing it when we met Rapunzel
Waiting to see Ariel

Daddy had to get his picture with his favorite Princess
Cara and Terrence in Fairytale Garden
Sitting waiting for the Tiki Bird Show
Jasmine and Aladdin with Cara
When we got back to the hotel we found this in our window

And this on our bed!  Her Belle doll and Daisy the dog were wearing her dresses and enjoying the day!

We sadly said goodbye to Daddy that evening.  It was pretty hard for me to say goodbye (thanks pregnancy hormones) but we couldn't talk him into staying although he really wanted to. 

After saying goodbye to daddy we went back to the Magic Kingdom.  Earlier in the day I dropped my sunglasses in the Buzz Lightyear ride and they told us to check with lost and found later in the day.  I wouldn't have cared if they were cheap sunglasses but they were my favorite $50 ones.  But the Magic Kingdom had extra magic hours until 2am so they hadn't even cleaned the ride yet :(
But we got to watch the Electrical parade and then visit with the Princesses so it wasn't a wasted trip.

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