Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pre K Graduation

Thursday May 12th was Cara's PreK graduation program! Grandma and Grandpa Fox, Grandma and Grandpa Abbott, and Mommy and Daddy all went to watch graduation and then we had a little graduation party at home!

We were entertained by several musical numbers!
At the end of the program each kid went to the microphone and introduced themselves and said what they wanted to be when they grow up. I was too busy watching and forgot to take a picture!

Then the teachers presented each kid with a book of their year in Pre k with pictures from their field trips, class parties, and projects they had worked on this year. It is a wonderful keepsake!
Grandma Abbott bought Cara this cute "grad" necklace to wear for the party
Cara and her teacher Mrs Wantz
One of the last times she will be in this hallway with her backpack heading home from school
Now time for the party at home! Can you tell someone is excited to get a DS!
And some princess puzzles
And Minnie Mouse dishes
And a Rapunzel set!

Happy PreK Graduation day! Not sure how it is possible that my baby is getting ready for kindergarten already!

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