Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kitchen Backsplash Project

Over Scott's Spring break one of our "to-do" projects was to install a backsplash in the kitchen. We debated for a long time and went to many home improvement stores and finally settled on a ceramic tile that is 3 x6 inches.

The before pictures

Before we started we layed out all the tiles

Cara was very much into helping on this project like most other projects we do.

Our little spacers would not stay unless we taped them to the tile, so that is why the back wall looks a little crazy in this picture
The completed wall (the color variations are because the sealer was recently applied and was drying
In this picture another coat of sealer was applied (to make it waterproof for cleaning) so the tiles look darker
The finished project!
We bought new ceramic switch plate covers to match the ceramic tiles
We are very happy with our completed project. We installed 20 square feet of tile because we have long cabinets in the kitchen, although half of it is only 5 inches high. The whole project cost less than $300 (tiles, adhesive, grout, sealer, tile saw, new plate covers, and tools to apply). We are proud of our DIY project!

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