Thursday, April 01, 2010

Day 7: Hollywood Studios

We went back to Hollywood Studios for more fun after we went to Chef Mickey's for breakfast that day. We allowed her to bring Baby Cara with us for the day since they were wearing their matching Minnie mouse dresses.

Posing with Baby Cara for the photopass photographer
We went to visit Mickey in his sorcerer outfit. While we were there one of the character helpers told us that at later in the day there was one hour when a TON of character friends would make an appearance and since it wasn't announced to anyone there would be no crowds! Wow, we really appreciated that tip!
So Mary Poppins and her penguins made an appearance
and Snow White
and Chip and Dale
and Genie
and Jafar
And the characters from Up were there that day
and Belle

Cara and Pocahontas

Minnie mouse was so excited to see Cara dressed like her! She twirled together while Pluto played with Baby Cara

Then posing for a picture together
Grandma and Grandpa headed back to the hotel with Cara while we went ride Rock and roller coaster! A terrific roller caoster! It takes off at 60mph and captures your picture while doing so so Scott took a picture of us! We were in the very front row, I love my face! Too funny! But a terrific ride!

1 comment:

Chris & Kitty Bishop said...

You really did hit the mother load of all the characters...AWESOME!!!! I love the twirl with Minnie photo :)