Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catching Up

Trying to get the blog caught up! Last week we took Cara to the dentist for the first time. Our dentist doesn't see kids until they are 3 (in case you were wondering why this was her first visit). She did really well and was excited to pick out a toy at the end. She did ask them if they had suckers instead of toys (like the bank does she said to them). She didn't really understand that the dentist was not a big fan of candy :)

Getting her pretty teeth all clean!

I thought she looked really cute for school on Monday so I took this picture of her although she wasn't being very cooperative! She is still so excited about school and talks about it and can't wait for school days, which is great! She is in a class of 10 with two teachers and brings home SOOO many papers and projects that they work on. I just love that my fridge is covered with her artwork. This week she brought home the cutest pig made out of popsicle sticks and clothes pins, with a painted pig face. She has her first field trip in a couple of weeks too!

She is still really loving her ballet class! She will shows us some moves that she is learning. This coming week is "watch week" where we get to sit in during class and see her in action.

1 comment:

Chris & Kitty Bishop said...

sweet pics, glad she is enjoying school! you need to teach me how to do a bun, I think Alison wants to be a ballerina for Halloween. See you soon :) Have fun in Disney