Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Magic Kingdom Part 1

Mommy and Cara on Main Street
Cara on the railroad
The 3 of us on the Transit Authority ride
In front of the castle
Mickey and Minnie bonsai trees
Grandpa and Grandma walking with Mommy and Cara

What is there to do in the middle of the afternoon, in a tiny hotel room, but blog about our day prior to nap time. Daddy and Cara are catching some zzz's while Mommy kills time on the computer. So here is a sampling of our day so far. A big highlight was meeting Mickey and Minnie and getting our picture with them, although it was taken on the disney photopass so I don't have it to post on here. Cara was so cute she was nervous but intrigued and I think if we go back (and wait in line again), she will be more eager to see them and not be afraid. This evening we are eating dinner in Cinderella's castle with the Fairy Godmother and hitting more rides before concluding our night with the lighted parade. Hopefully Daddy and Cara are well rested for a busy evening.

Cute Cara story: last night after running around so excited between our connecting rooms, we told Cara it was time to go night night. So we headed into our room and shut the door between the two rooms. Cara went straight to the main door and said "daddy come on, car?". She was ready to get in the car and go home to go night night. We finally convinced her this was "home" for the next week.


G and G A said...

Looks like the weather is great. I bet Cara is enjoying her first far away vacation. Anxious to see her with photo of the Mickey and Minnie.
Bet you all will sleep well tonight.
Grandma & Grandpa A

Cynthia Rae said...

We are getting all the rain here in Italy so you guys can have nothing but sun! Looks like a fun first day, can't wait to hear more!

Aunt Cyndi