Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rock Star

Rocking on the drums while Daddy plays the guitar

Her turn on the guitar

Singing it out!

Scott got an early birthday present a couple weeks ago it is is called Rock Band. In this "game" you play the drums, guitar, or have to sing in pitch. It is a lot of fun. You can play one part of it, or have 3 people play together. Cara thinks it is really fun to play. We had a ton of fun one evening rocking it out with Scott's dad jamming on the guitar, while I sang, and Scott drummed away. So although this is another video game, at least it is musical, which as you know is a big part of our family! Don't worry, we do more than let Cara play video games, these are just the most recent pics I have :)

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Cara looks like one person band!! Go girl!!