Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Helping Grandpa F take apart her crib

Checking out the half taken apart crib, hmm...this is weird

Hi Mommy, are you taking our picture? :)

Wow, my new bed, it is sooooo comfy!

Grandma F made me a new fleece comforter and pillows for my big girl bed, I LOVE Mickey!

Mommy had a few sad moments while watching Daddy and Grandpa F take apart Cara's crib. How is it possible that my baby isn't a baby anymore and needs a big girl bed? It isn't that she outgrew her crib, she just hated it's confinement! So, Mommy and Daddy were tired of sharing our bed, so we thought a new bed might do the trick. We had some extra babyproofing (toddlerproofing) to get done, and now with a gate at the top of our stairs (right across from the door to Cara's room), Cara can sleep in there all by herself.

1 comment:

Punkin said...

Now with a big girl bed Cara will be growing even faster. Have a good time in the new bed Cara.

Woofes & Lickes
Punkin and his Mom ( Gloria )