Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

Santa was here, presents are ready to go, stockings are filled! Grandma and Grandpa Abbott came to stay with us for the festivities!
So excited...Santa came
Santa brought her a washer and dryer combo for her dollhouse
Santa brought her the leapster explorer and two new games
checking out her loot from Santa
Cara got Grandma and Grandma (each set) books from hallmark that she recorded, they both really liked them

We got Cara the Tag reading system, here is one of the books she got
Cara holding up her stocking before dumping it out
Our Feast: turkey and all the normal sides with gravy made especially by Great Grandma = yumminess! We are so glad to spend the holiday meal with family!
Grandma F and Great Grandma
Daddy in his post turkey slumber
Grandma A enjoying some kitten company
Grandpa A and Cara snuggling on the couch

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