Tuesday, December 01, 2009


We celebrated Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa F's on Thursday. I had to work Wednesday night and Thursday night this year, too bad the hospital can't close on holidays so staff can spend more time with their loved ones :)

My wonderful husband that I am so thankful for! Thank you for taking care of us, working hard, being a great cook, sharing your love and passion for what you do, and for always teaching me to be a better person!
I am also so thankful for our wonderful daughter! You ar such a light in my life and my heart aches just thinking about how much I love you and how lucky we are to have you!

We are so lucky to still have Great Grandma Edwards in our lives! We are glad you spent Thanksgiving with us! It was fun playing Euchre with you!

Here is a picture of my beautiful niece Charlotte enjoying pumpkin pie!

We attempted to get a picture of all 5 grandkids (one that was hopefully frameworthy). Umm....maybe Grandma got a better one :)

Cara being goofy at the end of picture time but this picture makes me laugh!
Thanks for a great meal Grandma and Grandpa Fox! Thank you for being such wonderful parents and grandparents, for that we are eternally grateful!

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