Sunday, June 07, 2009

Friday Night Fireworks

We went to the Indians game on Friday night at Victory Field! We had terrific weather and a great time (even though the home team lost).

Enjoying some delicious cotton candy (nice blue mouth huh!)

Later in the game we shared an ice cream sundae (yummy)

The field under the lights, great picture with the city in the background

And the bonus, it was firework Friday! It was a great firework show coming right from center field! Cara said it was too loud and kept her hands over her ears, but they were great fireworks!

1 comment:

G and G A said...

Byi your last two posts we can see that you are having some fun time while dad is off for the summer. Looking forward to seeing more photos of the many things that you all will be up to this summer.
G & G A