Saturday, April 25, 2009

We love Sunshine Weekend

After the week of rain and gray skies, it was so nice to be treated to a gorgeous weekend of warm and sunny skies!!

Friday evening we sat out on our screened porch and enjoyed the evening air! Earlier in the week when Cara had been over to Grandma and Grandpa F's house, she found this doll. This is one of Mommy's most beloved dolls, Mary Noel. I got her for Christmas one year and she was the best! Cara has adopted her and loves taking care of her. For some reason Cara insists on calling her Emily, even though I told her the name many times. But as long as Cara is having fun it doesn't matter what she calls her.

Mommy with Cara and doll "Emily"

Cara insisted that Mommy and Daddy stop and pose for a picture, well really about 10 but I only chose to post one!

When I put pictures into my "blogger" folder to be resized and used for blogger I always rename them by date, so as I was putting them into this post I found this picture, dated 4-20-08! She looks so much older and bigger than just one year ago, but she still loves to help me mow.

Saturday morning started with our cars getting a much needed oil change by Daddy which was then followed by an intense interior cleaning! Totally not on our "to-do" list for the day, but definitely needed. In this picture Daddy is hosing and scrubbing down the car mats. Cara got a little wet from the spray and insisted on using her umbrella for the remainder of the job. Hilarious!

Oscar was spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's. So after nap time they all came over for some fun! This is a funny action shot because Oscar and Cara had been kicking the ball around, but then Cara was going to throw it and Oscar looks like he is running for his life!

Playset fun with Grandpa

After we grilled out for dinner and the kids had worn themselves out they were ready for story time by Grandpa!

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