Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fun Weekend

My friend Gigi on her wedding day, what a beautiful bride
Matt and Gigi during the wedding

Scott played trumpet at the wedding

The cake cutting, and yes they smeared it all over each other

The PMCH gang with Gigi at the reception

Today at the Colts game

Using the zoom lens to get a closer look at the team

Pictures with Cara when we got home, she was dressed in her Colts cheerleader outfit for the day

Cara running through the yard
What a busy fun weekend. On Saturday we attended our friends Gigi and Matt's wedding. It was a beautiful day and a fun reception. We enjoyed spending the evening with friends. Grandma and Grandpa A were in town to spend time with Cara.
Sunday we headed out to Lucas Oil Stadium for the Colt's game. We must have been the good luck charm (hehe)because they won their first game in the stadium. Cara also had a fun afternoon because she went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa A, Grandma and Grandpa F, Dillon and Oscar.
And as I type this an apple pie is in the oven baking and the ice cream maker is churning away! Yummy! I love fall!!


Anonymous said...

Fresh baked hot apple pie and ice cream YUMMMMMMMMM!

Yea Colts. Cara nlooks so cute in her cheerleader outfit.


NJ Cuz

Cynthia Rae said...

Apple pie, ice cream and time with family, sounds like a wonderful weekend! I wish I could be there with you all.

The British folks from our sister city are in town, so at least I have had some people to speak English with! They are all great and I have had a lot of fun with them.

Sending you all a big hug.
ps. I LOVED the photos of Cara and baby Cara at the concert! She is just so darn cute!

G and G A said...

Was a fun weekend and we enjoyed seeing all of you and especially babysitting Cara. I will try and post the pictures of the apple pie baking, how yummy it was and also the homemade icecream.
Grandma & Grandpa A

Cynthia Rae said...

I just saw the apple pie and Grandma A's blog! I know what is going on in that house! Wish I was there!

Much love,
Aunt Cyndi

Cynthia Rae said...

That should have said "ON" Grandma's blog" not "and Grandma's blog". Oops.