Monday, September 08, 2008

Weekend of Fun

Playing in the little rocking chair on Friday night
Then moved on to the big rocking chair

At the fair eating yummy treats on Saturday

How about a buggy ride with Grandma and Grandpa

Saturday afternoon Mommy and Daddy headed to Pokagon State Park for a beautiful wedding out on the sun deck. Congratulations Annie and Bill!

Here they are cutting the beautiful cake

here is Scott setting the timer and putting the camera on a beer bottle to get our picture

So we pass the camera over to friends so we can get the foreheads in the shot as well :)

On Friday afternoon we headed up north after Daddy got home from work for a weekend visit with G & G A. We met up with them for dinner at our favorite pizza place in town before heading back to their house for lots of fun! Grandma had a tea party set up and waiting for Cara. She played hard and I wasn't sure we were ever going to get her to sleep.
On Saturday we got up and headed to a local fair for the parade and fair fun! We enjoyed some yummy fair food and Cara got to go on a buggy ride with G &G. Wow! We headed back to the house for nap time and so we could get dressed and ready for a wedding. Scott and I headed even further north to Pokagon State Park for the wedding of our old friend Annie! We had a nice time catching up with some old friends and enjoying the beautiful wedding. The weather was absolutely perfect for the occasion.
No pictures from Sunday, but we had a nice breakfast cooked by Grandma and Daddy. Then got to visit with Great Grandma A, Great Uncle Duane, and Great Aunt Chris on skype. We tried to also have a skype visit with Aunt Cyndi but skype was WAY TOO busy that day and kept dropping the call. We also met up with Mommy's friend Sally for lunch at a mexican restaurant before heading back home. On the way back home we stopped by Oscar's house for a quick play visit since it was on the way and Grandma and Grandpa F were there babysitting! What a busy weekend! No wonder Cara and I slept in today!!

1 comment:

G and G A said...

We did have a busy fun weekend didn't we. I don't know how got the most tired, Cara or us. It is always great to be together. Next year do we have a date for the parade? Grandpa will have the corvette ready to roll and Cara can ride in the parade with us.
Grandma & Grandpa A