Sunday, May 04, 2008

Great Cara Story

Last year for Cara's birthday she got this placemat of all the US presidents. We have been slowly introducing them to her, so far she knows (can say and point to- Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush). We of course think she is so smart that she can remember them and point to them. So last weekend Scott had some money on the coffee table in the family room, and Cara walked over, picked up a $5 bill and said "Lincoln". So then we held up a $1 bill and she said "Washington" (well- she says "washwa" but we know what that means). We always thought she had memorized the place and name on the placemat, but to see her name the money was incredible. Every parent wants to think their child is really smart, and we are no exception :)

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week, Scott and I were both busy with life but nothing blog worthy! The musical at Scott's school is next weekend and we will be so relieved when it is over as our schedules will get back to normal! Then school will be out for the summer before we know it!


G and G A said...

Grandpa and Grandma are so proud of our little historian. I know when I got her the placemat Scott kind of gave me a strange look, OK I know she was only one then but you can never start too young. It will be fun next time we see her to have her tell us all about the presidents. See you all soon.
Grandma & Grandpa A

Anonymous said...

A genius in the making:) What a cute story.

Melissa said...

Wow-- she could be on Oprah! :)