Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa's House for Spring Break



Being coy!

Being lovey!

Hanging out with G & G

Look at the blond curly hair we are getting in the back, it is not growing very fast but becoming quite curly

Yes, Mommy and Daddy did take a pictures of themselves to prove we were there too! No, it is not a halo over my head, just the kitchen light glowing

Last week we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa A's house for some spring break fun. Daddy was off work so an ovedue trip to their house was in order. We got to eat at all our favorite restuarants! We took Cara to Grandpa's office on Friday for a visit, to see where he works! We hung out with our dear friends Chris, Amy, and Owen. What a fun and busy couple of days. Daddy's spring break went by so fast, but only 8 more weeks of school! Yeah!
Thanks for a great vist Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

G and G A said...

It was great having all of you up here. Still am not sure who had the most fun or was the most tired, Cara or us, ha. Always something to do when you all come up and glad we got to hit some of the favorite places to eat while you all were here. Looking forward to the next visit. Will see you all this weekend.
Grandma & Grandpa A