Sunday, August 12, 2007

Saying goodbye to Aunt Cyndi

Last Thursday we had to say goodbye to Aunt Cyndi at the airport. It was a sad day, but we didn't take pictures of the teary pictures, only the ones sitting in the food court enjoying our last little bit of time together. The month that Cyndi was here went by much too quickly. We hope that she will return soon, and hopefully she and Dan can return together soon. Cyndi said it was hardest saying goodbye to Cara because she is changing so much all the time and Cyndi is missing all of it. But it will be really hard to say goodbye once Cara understands and cries too!!

1 comment:

G and G A said...

As hard as it was to say good bye for a little while to Aunt Cyndi Cara did a good job at keeping us smiling. Her little hugs helped too.
Grandma A