Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Day

Cara sees her Easter basket for the first time
Yeah, the Easter bunny left me some fun stuff

Dressed up in my Easter finest waiting for Mommy and Daddy to go to church

Mommy, Daddy and Cara dressed and ready for church
What an exciting weekend we have had! Yesterday, we had lots of company to entertain Cara. Mommy's friend from college Sally was here to visit as well as Grandma and Grandpa A. After lots of play time with Cara we spent hours playing Scene It. Somehow we kept saying "just one more game". After Sally left, and Cara napped, we headed out to dinner at a local Italian favorite. After dinner Grandma and Mommy wanted to run to Kohl's for a few things. Upon returning home from Kohl's, I carried Cara in while Grandma went to the back to get our bags. Then poor Grandma tripped on the edge of the garage (there is about a 1-2" edge). After a late night trip to the ER we found out poor Grandma BROKE her ankle.
So, our Easter plans have been shuffled a bit. Grandma and Grandpa were planning to go to church with us, but Grandma was laid up at home (her whole body hurts today from the bad fall). At least they were here to see Cara all dressed up. No matter how bad Grandma feels, she smiles when she sees Cara.
So we plan to go to Grandma and Grandpa F's this afternoon for an Easter celebration. Grandma and Grandpa A were supposed to go also, but instead they will be heading home. So far it is a memorable Easter for all. We will always have the story of Cara's 1st Easter when Grandma broke her ankle.

1 comment:

Cynthia Rae said...

I know I am day late, but better late than never. I really enjoyed seeing the photos of Cara on her first Easter. I am so happy she was there to make Grandma smile when she (Grandma) was feeling bad.

Much love to you all and thank you for our Easter card Miss Cara. Sending our love from Italy!

Buona Pasqua (Happy Easter)!

Aunt Cyndi and Uncle Danilo