Playing on our hotel bed with Daddy

We are currently on our first family road trip vacation. Scott is on spring break from work, and I was not about to let him be the only one not working, so I took the week off also. So what vacation can you take with an almost 8 month old baby? My ideas of going to a beach or to Disney World were both vetoed. So we decided to spend a few days in Chicago.
We drove almost 3 hours today and got to our destination of the day, IKEA. Our hotel is right across the street from IKEA. We have been long time fans of the IKEA catalog, and most of Cyndi and Dan's house was furnished from IKEA, so we wanted to check it out in person. It was an overwhelming store, Cara was out loud giggling for the longest time when we got there, must have been all the bright lights and bright colors. She was definitely due for a nap but there was no way she was missing out on this shopping experience. After at least an hour of shopping she decided she couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep in her stroller.
The day of shopping concluded with no purchases (shock!) and dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (yum!). Cara was so good today considering the changes in her schedule and environment. We let her have as much play time as possible in the hotel room. We brought everything to go swimming since our hotel has an indoor pool, but upon entering the pool to check it out the fumes of chlorine almost took our breath away. So we decided Cara's delicate skin was not quite ready for this much chlorine. Bummer, we were really looking forward to trying out her new swim suit.
Tomorrow we will head downtown for a day of fun. We will staying on the "Magnificent Mile", so here's to hoping Cara is as readyto shop tomorrow as she was today.
(great big thanks for Grandma F for loaning us her laptop to keep everyone updated on our travels)