Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Celebrating the 4th of July at Symphony on the Prairie at Conner Prairie (on the 3rd). We really enjoyed our evening with my parents, Mike, Lisa, Dillon, and Oscar (who slept through the whole thing), Joe, Amy, Vincent and Charlotte. What a fun evening with a picnic, music and great fireworks!


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July. It does look like you all had a great time at the concert. To celebrate I took myself out for a hamburger. Was going to watch some fireworks, but that fell through, so will catch a few on the tv. My quietest 4th in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Thought of you two when we celebrated the 4th. Was kind of quiet then we went over to the Brother's for food & fireworks. Saw the space shuttle and that was more exciting than any fireworks I have seen. Out of the five adults and one child that was the first any of us saw the shuttle. Last night, Wednesday, we saw the shuttle and the space station. Tonight around 10:22 we are heading ouside to see the space station with the shuttle hooked up to it. Should be south of here. Hope the viewing is as good as the last two nights. Love to all three see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Also wanted to mention that you are bigger than last time we saw you. Go Peanut go. Or should I say grow Peanut grow?

Cynthia Rae said...

It looks like you guys had a wonderful 4th. How great you were able to spend it with the entire family.

We will be having our First Annual Fusignano Fourth of July BBQ. In all, there will four Americans and five Italians. I have already made the potaot salad, cole slaw, AND baked beans. Of course they don't sell ANY of that stuff in the stores here, so I made it all from scratch. And it tastes good (if I may say so myself).

Danilo hopes one day to be in America for the fourth of July. A girl can dream can't she?

Wishing you all the best and a happy (belated) 4th!