Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving with the cousins

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Fox family at my parents house. My brothers, their families, and my grandmother were on hand to enjoy a great feast. I barely took out my camera but did manage to grab a quick pic of all the cousins in between their play time.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cara is going to be a Big Sister

So apparently if you want to get pregnant you need to have a garage sale and sell ALL of your baby stuff and voila! That is what happened to us! Something we have hoped and prayed for ever since we had Cara has finally came true, we are expecting Baby #2!
We waited until Thanksgiving Day when I was 11 weeks to tell Cara and our families!  What a thing to be thankful for that day!!  Here I am showing Cara was her t-shirt says! (Cara was over at Aunt Cyndi's with Grandma and Grandpa Abbott for the morning while I slept since I had worked all night, we went over there and told Cara we had a special Thanksgiving shirt for her to wear and took her to the bedroom and shared this very special moment with her!)
At first she didn't really understand what it meant!
And then PURE delight!  The first thing she said was "all of my dreams have come true"

What an amazing Big Sister she will be!!
The baby is due June 14, 2012!  We have lots of shopping to do before then since we don't have any baby essentials anymore, but it is well worth it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

The day before Thanksgiving the kindergarteners at Cara's school held a feast resembling the first feast with the Pilgrims and Indians. Cara's class were Indians.
I was glad I was able to join in the fun
Cara's desk with her costume ready for the feast

Her class with her teacher Mrs Medley.  They are holding up placemats that they made
The feast (which was food they had spent the morning preparing) included corn bread, vegetable soup, applesauce, popcorn, pumpkin pie, apple juice and milk!
My little Indian had a great time at the feast!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

New American Girl Doll

Grandma Fox took Cara to our Christmas bazaar and let Cara buy some raffle tickets for an American Girl Doll. They had been selling the raffle chances after church but Scott said there was no way she would win so he would not spend the money to buy the tickets. Cara proved him wrong! She even wrote her name by herself on each ticket.

So we were quite surprised to get the phone call that she WON Marie Grace.   She is one lucky little girl!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011

We were blessed with a beautiful Halloween night! We started the evening off by having everyone over for dinner. Grandma and Grandpa Abbott came to town, Aunt Cyndi came over and Grandma and Grandpa Fox came to take in the festivities with us!
Cara dressed as Cinderella Bride!

Cara with her bestie Grace

Running for trick or treating, so much fun!
Grace's little sisters were cute little sheep!

Aunt Cyndi carved her pumpkin while waiting on trick or treaters!  Thanks for Grandma Fox, Aunt Cyndi and Grandma Abbott for manning the bowl of candy while we were out hitting up the neighborhood!