Monday, April 30, 2007


What a busy weekend we had! I had State convention for Tri Kappa this weekend in Indianapolis. Tri Kappa is a statewide philanthropic sorority that I have been a member of since graduating high school. I took a few years off when I was in college and living away, but when we moved back to my hometown I became an active member again and have served as President of my local chapter for the past two years. We raise money for things like high school scholarships, Race for the Cure, Special Olympics, a local women's shelter, Riley camperships, etc.

On Saturday night I left the convention and headed home to meet Scott because we had a date to go to Prom! His students were very excited we went. It was fun to see them all dressed up! The above is a picture of Scott and I outside the building where Prom was held.

So of course, no one checks on our blog just to see a picture of Scott and I, so here are some pictures of Cara today! She is showing off her uppers gums, you can see her one tooth and the others on the way!

Check out my baby blue eyes in this picture!

You don't think Panther will mind sharing his treats with me do you Mommy?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Funny Faces by Cara

Cara is becoming so expressive with her face! It is so cute. Just recently she started wrinkling up her nose and pouting her lips and making the funniest faces.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Crawling; a work in progress

We are still working hard on crawling! She has managed how to make one crawl forward, but then falls. Pretty soon she will be crawling all over the place though. She is getting really good at scooting backward, or army crawling to get what she wants!
We are teething big time! She now has 3 teeth through the gums at the top, with one more coming any day. So she will have a total of 6 teeth very soon, all the more to help chew!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Race for the Cure

Along with about 39,000 other people, Mommy and Cara walked in the 5K Race for the Cure today on the Joggers for Jana team. Jana is a nurse that works with Mommy who is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer, so a bunch of nurses from work joined together for her team. It was PERFECT weather today, sunny and mid 60's during the event.
It was very emotional, especially at the beginning when the crowds of people were waiting to start. Every now and then you would see a participant wearing a pink shirt/hat signified that they were a breast cancer survivor. We were very proud to participate in this event! How many 8 month olds finish a 5K??
My heart goes out to all those affected by breast cancer!

First boo-boo

Cara vs. the ottoman! The ottoman won!
On Wednesday afternoon Cara was happily playing in the family room, rolling from toy to toy and having fun. She found the ottoman and thought it was neat to move it back and forth. Unfortunately she was holding it all the way back with her head right up against it, when Mommy saw what was happening and jumped to get Cara, it scared her and she let go, it swinging back and smashing into her face. Cara cried, Mommy cried! It was awful. Now she has a nice bruise on her left cheek and Mommy now the the ottoman immobile.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Baby

Mommy was trying to take a picture of my newest tooth, but I just wanted to smile
Can't you hear me laughing in this picture!

I want to crawl forward so bad, but I keep just going backward!

Cara was being quite the ham last night after her bath, so I had to grab the camera and capture a couple of shots. The past couple of nights have been pretty rough on all of us due to teething. Her 3rd tooth has popped through the gums, and three more at top could pop through any day. She is normally a great sleeper, of course last week when Mommy was home 4 nights in a row she slept great every night, this week when Mommy has a rough work schedule, she has been up a lot for Daddy. Other than the rough sleep (or lack of) you wouldn't even know she was teething because she is such a happy camper during the day.
Hope these pictures make you smile!

Friday, April 13, 2007

High School Concert

Thursday night Mommy and Cara went to Daddy's school for the Spring Concert for the High School ensembles. We got to hear the incredible jazz band, concert band and choirs. Who knew it was a spring concert since it has been awful weather, freezing cold temps, and several attempts to snow in the past couple of days. Cara was very attentive to the jazz band (which was first), but got quite restless during the choirs. It was hot in the auditorium and she hates to be hot, so that didn't help. She was patient enough to make it through the high school concert band, even though it made a late night for her to be out. We both enjoyed the great concert.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sending Hugs to Grandma

Cara is sending her giant smile across the miles to make Grandma smile! Hope you are starting to feel better and that you leg starts healing quickly! Cuddles and kisses from Cara XOXOXO

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Oscar

Cara and Oscar playing in their birthday hats
Oscar tries to blow out his birthday candle, eventually Dillon has to help

The other kids anxiously awaited the cake cutting so they could have a piece, one of them wanted the bear, one wanted the balloon, but Charlotte wanted the #1 which is about half the cake

Oscar digs in!

One year ago I had the honor and priviledge of being present for the birth of my nephew Oscar. It was an awesome experience, especially since I was 6 months pregnant and Lisa made giving birth look so easy!
We celebrated his birthday on Easter sunday. I can't believe he is a year old already, the year has gone by too quickly!
Happy Birthday Oscar!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Day

Sitting like a big girl in the lazy boy with my new bunny
Play time with Charlotte, Oscar and Grandpa

We had a nice visit on Easter at Grandma and Grandpa F's. Cara enjoyed playing with her cousins. Oscar gave Cara a big kiss when I put her down on the floor next to him. Oscar and Cara always wanted to play with the same thing at the same time though. Cara received a special keepsake Easter basket filled with little rubber duckies for the bathtub. She also received a bunny that sings and dances which she loves.
Following a yummy dinner and playtime we also celebrated Oscar's 1st birthday which is Wednesday. I will post pictures from that on Wednesday in honor of the birthday boy. Grandma F already updated her blog with pictures though if you want to check it out.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Day

Cara sees her Easter basket for the first time
Yeah, the Easter bunny left me some fun stuff

Dressed up in my Easter finest waiting for Mommy and Daddy to go to church

Mommy, Daddy and Cara dressed and ready for church
What an exciting weekend we have had! Yesterday, we had lots of company to entertain Cara. Mommy's friend from college Sally was here to visit as well as Grandma and Grandpa A. After lots of play time with Cara we spent hours playing Scene It. Somehow we kept saying "just one more game". After Sally left, and Cara napped, we headed out to dinner at a local Italian favorite. After dinner Grandma and Mommy wanted to run to Kohl's for a few things. Upon returning home from Kohl's, I carried Cara in while Grandma went to the back to get our bags. Then poor Grandma tripped on the edge of the garage (there is about a 1-2" edge). After a late night trip to the ER we found out poor Grandma BROKE her ankle.
So, our Easter plans have been shuffled a bit. Grandma and Grandpa were planning to go to church with us, but Grandma was laid up at home (her whole body hurts today from the bad fall). At least they were here to see Cara all dressed up. No matter how bad Grandma feels, she smiles when she sees Cara.
So we plan to go to Grandma and Grandpa F's this afternoon for an Easter celebration. Grandma and Grandpa A were supposed to go also, but instead they will be heading home. So far it is a memorable Easter for all. We will always have the story of Cara's 1st Easter when Grandma broke her ankle.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter
Love, Scott, Emily and Cara

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Ready for the Easter Bunny

Cara is wearing her shirt that says "my First Easter" and her bunny ears in anticipation of Easter. Today we will be making Easter eggs (I'm sure we will have pictures of that for later today).

Friday, April 06, 2007

More 8 month pictures

Here are a couple more pictures from our recent photo outing. The special "bunny" ones will be shown here on Easter!
She is getting to be such a big girl. The other day she and I were playing and in walked Scott and I said "well Hi Daddy" and Cara said "HI Daddy", as plain as could be. Too bad we didn't have the video camera ready. She was just mimicking my speech, but it sounded so cute to hear the word Daddy come out of her.
We have a big weekend coming up. Grandma and Grandpa A are coming down to visit and on Sunday we will be joining the rest of the family (Cara's aunts, uncles, and cousins) for Easter dinner at Grandma and Grandpa F's. Good thing Cara slept ALL NIGHT without waking up even once, she will be well rested.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

8 Months Old and Home Sweet Home

Yesterday we returned from our Spring break road trip and Cara turned 8 months old. Overall, we had a great time on our trip. We did learn that Cara does not sleep well when not in her usual environment. Although, despite not sleeping well, she was in a great mood and was accommodating to the changes in her schedule. She enjoyed getting 100% attention from Mommy and Daddy (no cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, computer time, or work to interfere). She also enjoyed her visit with her Grandma and Grandpa A.

Here is a picture from her most recent professional pictures. We had to go get some pictures of her wearing her Easter dress.