Sunday, December 31, 2006

5 Months

5 Months ago our lives changed forever. We became a Mom and a Dad! Our precious bundle is already 5 months old, how is that possible? For comparison, here is the same bunny today at 5 months and when she was 6 weeks old!

Christmas Part 3

We celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa A this past weekend at their house. Cara got lots of great presents and was just thrilled to be the center of attention. Mommy and Daddy got some good stuff too! We had a wonderful visit! Looking forward to someday when it is cold enough to take Cara ice skating on their pond in the backyard.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day

Christmas Day started at our house with an early wake up from Cara wanting to be fed. She fell asleep eating, so back to bed she went and Mommy followed suit since she had to work that night. So a few hours later, we got up and celebrated Christmas as a family of 3 (actually 4 since we included the cat, he even got his own stocking of treats). Cara enjoyed opening her presents, her favorite is the little hand toy firefly that lights up and laughs. She just loves it!

We had both sets of grandparents and great grandma E over for a Christmas dinner of turkey and lots of yummy sides. We had a great Christmas day!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The cousins on Christmas Eve

The above pictures were taken by Scott on Christmas Eve of Cara's cousins. The first picture is Charlotte opening a present. Then Oscar (who was feeling under the weather over the weekend) is relaxing in his Dad's arms. Then Vincent is proudly wearing his new Superman pajamas, a gift from Cara. The final picture is Dillon, "bright-eyed" for the camera!! Aren't they all so cute!

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's

We celebrated Christmas with Emily's family on Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa F's. Cara got to share the day with her cousins Dillon, Oscar, Vincent and Charlotte. After a delicious dinner we sat around to open presents. We surprised Grandma and Grandpa with a large picture of all 5 grandkids (you can see that picture on grandma's blog). Scott was incredibly excited over his gift of a new "paparazzi" lens for our camera. It weighs more than the camera itself, but will allow us to take great pictures.

Cara got lots of exciting presents. Of course she was just as excited about the wrapping paper, but over time she will get lots of use out of her presents. After the festivities were over we went to Mass at 8:00 with Grandma and Grandpa to round out our Christmas Eve. We typically go to Midnight Mass but decided not to mess with Cara's sleeping schedule. Cara had better ideas and tried to stay up way too late to get a sneak peek at Santa. Little did she know he was the one rocking her to sleep.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all! We hope you have a happy holiday!! We are very excited about Cara's first Christmas. Lots of pictures will be coming to show how we celebrated.

Lots of love to everyone far away that we are unable to celebrate with in person! We wish we could all be together, but you are near in our hearts!! May you feel as blessed this Christmas as we do!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

It's Never Too Early

Scott's keyboard is positioned right next to the computer, so now whenever we sit Cara on our laps while at the computer she immediately turns and wants to play on the keyboard. She is learning her piano skills early! Now Scott can't wait to get a Baby Grand to teach her how to really play piano. Hope you enjoy the photos of the next Mozart, Bach, Copeland in the making!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Countdown to Christmas

Christmas is coming! Cara is in one of her Christmas outfits sitting in the glider chair like a big girl. We are getting very excited to have her first Christmas. Look for many more pictures to see how we celebrate over the next week.

Monday, December 18, 2006

New Christmas Dress

Had to buy Cara a new Christmas dress for Daddy's concert on Sunday. We thought her other one was too poofy to ride that far in her carseat comfortably. This one is stretchy velvet, and she looked adorable in it of course. We forgot the camera yesterday, so we played dress up again today and took some pictures. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Second time to meet Santa

What a busy weekend we have had here! On top of Mommy working 12 hour shifts both Friday and Saturday nights, we had the Edwards family Christmas party on Saturday afternoon. Santa made a surprise appearance at the party. With LOTS of kids there, he got an earful of what everyone wanted for Christmas, but he still had time to check with Cara. It was nice to see all the relatives, but Daddy had a basketball game at school (pep band), and with Mommy having to leave for work, not a lot of time to visit.

Grandma and Grandpa F took Cara home from the party to babysit until Daddy would pick her up. But she fell soundly asleep before he could get there, so Cara had her first sleepover without Mommy and Daddy. So Daddy went home and Mommy picked her up on her way home from work in the morning. I am sure her other grandparents are anxiously awaiting there turn at a sleepover.

Sunday afternoon was "A Blue Christmas" concert with the jazz bands and jazz choir at Daddy's school. It was a wonderful concert filled with jazzy Christmas tunes. Grandma and Grandpa F joined in the festivites. Grandma and Grandpa A were also supposed to attend, but Grandma A is still under the weather and unable to be around Cara. Hot chocolate, coffee and a wide variety of desserts were served prior to the concert. Hardly needed hot chocolate with weather like this, but it is the season. Cara wore a new dress to the concert and looked adorable but silly Mommy and Daddy forgot the camera. We will have to get dressed up in it again soon for some pictures.

One last week of teaching before Daddy has 2 weeks off for Christmas break. Yeah. With all the concerts now behind him, this week should be a little less stressful. We can't believe that Christmas is in a week, where has the time gone?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Day in The Life

I'm 19 weeks old
On my tummy, but I still won't roll over!
As my bib says, I am the princess of this house
A favorite time of day, playing in my exercauser
Look Ma, each hand has a pacifier

Grandma A was needing a Cara fix today, so we busted out the camera and took pictures all day long. These are the best ones! Sorry it took all day to get them up on our blog. We will try to post lots of pictures since it will still be a couple of weeks until we see you again! Hope you are feeling better!!!

2nd Christmas Card

Our Santa Baby!

This definitely would have been the picture for our Christmas card had we taken this picture earlier. I love our family Christmas card, but this picture just warms my heart every time I see it. So instead of sending everyone a second Christmas card, haha, I am sending everyone Christmas wishes with this picture.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Santa Hat Photo Session

We played photo session this morning with her Santa hat. She is always so happy in the mornings so we thought it would be the perfect time to catch some smiles on camera.

Monday, December 04, 2006

18 Weeks Old

Ready for a Cara update?......

Cara showing off her bandaids from her immunizations today, 2 in the left leg, one in the right

Our baby girl had a big day today! She went to the doctor for her 4 month well baby check-up. She is doing great!! She is a whopping 16 lbs 1 oz (the doctor says very typical for a breastfed baby), and she is 25 1/4 inches (90th percentile). So she is a very happy healthy baby.

She is doing great and more active every day. She is grabbing things, putting everything she grabs in her mouth, and working on sitting and rolling over.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Spinning Tree

Tree standing still
Scott becoming the professional photographer that he is took this picture of our tree in motion. Our tree is on a stand that spins, not very fast as contrary to the picture. With some fancy settings with the shutter speed he was able to capture the spinning tree